Resolved Question: Can Anyone Recommend A Zune Alternative?

Right i have a Zune 30 but i want something with more memory. I really like the new ZuneHD but it only comes in 32gb. Can anyone recommend any alterntive mp3 players for me, other than ipods?
- I like touch screen but im not bothered if it isnt
- It needs to play videos, music and photos
- and have finally have more than 30gb memory


Resolved Question: Question about Mp3 Players and Audio Books?

I was wondering if anyone knows about how much space an Mp3 player requires to add an Audio Book to an Mp3 Player. My Mp3 player is that enough space or no?

Resolved Question: hi i need to get a mp3 my budget is more or less near $100 can u please suggest me some good ones i should get?

at least 4g
looking forward to get the best deal i can get
i need help as this is the fist time i am going to buy
please guide me!

Resolved Question: Zune 30gb headphones port problem?

i got a zune 30gb on ebay and whenever i listen to music the vocals are muffled and the guitars are all distorted. Whenever i press down really hard on the headphone port it goes back to normal so i opened up the zune and tried putting paper, tape, etc. to force the port down but nothing seems to fix the problem. The equalizer is off. What should i do i dont have any money to buy a new mp3 player and cant use custmer support.

Resolved Question: how to charge my coby mp3?

just got a coby mp3-705 4g. love it, but seems the battery drains quickly. just got it today and charged it with the computer till it said it was full, but the charge went down fast. can i charge it with the computer while the mp3 is turned on, should i never do that, can i accidentally create a false memory in it so it will only think it needs so much of a charge when it really needs a full charge? please help,

Resolved Question: How can I add videos to my MP3 Player?

I have an RCA 4G Opal MP3 Player (Opal is the brand, not the color.) I have not been able to figure out how I can add videos to it. I want to know how to put videos from Youtube and how to put a DVD movie on it. Thank you so much!!!
- Anna ;)

Resolved Question: Question about car chargers for mp3 players?

I have a 30gb zune and there are a variety of car chargers available for it, but the main reason I want one is so I can listen to music through the car's speakers. Do most car chargers for mp3 players let you do that?

Resolved Question: What would be the better choice-buying a 120gb iPod Classic now or just waiting for a better MP3 player later?

I want to be able to take all of my music with me, which comes out to about 30gb worth at the moment, but I want to have plenty of empty space for future music that I will want to put on it later. The 32gb iPod Touch is currently too expensive for me, great as it is.

I just want a music player. I'm not interested in any other features like games, web-browsing, looking at pictures or videos, or anything else. I simply want to listen to music with it, that's all.