Resolved Question: How do you make a sanza 4g mp3 player recognize the music on the memory card?

I have a 4g memory card. I have had it in the player when I sync it with my computer. I have had it in a card reader and loaded it that way. Either way the player doesn't recognize it. What am I doing wrong?

Resolved Question: What's the best MP3 player around 30gb?

I had a creative zen vision: m but then i sat on it and broke the screen lol.. woops. now i know i can just replace the screen for like thirty bucks but the thing is like a tank compared to the newer MP3s nowadays. so whats a decent MP3 player (not ipod) for under $250 and at least 30gb?
i know about the zunes. just wondering if theres any like less popular or advertised ones that i havent heard of

Resolved Question: Zune 120GB or iPod 120GB?

My iPod Video 30GB broke a few weeks ago and i'm saving up for a new MP3 player. I'm torn between the two.

Here's my software situation:
- I have WinAmp and that is what i used to sync my iPod up with (I used the ml_iPod plugin; just as a side note it's a lot faster than using iTunes)
- iTunes takes up way too much space and it runs really slow on my computer (i have xp sp2 btw)

So you tell me why i should get another iPod or go with a Zune.
i only have about 50gigs of hdd space on my laptop and itunes takes up 80,000 kb according to add/remove progragrams
most of my hard drive space is taken up by music (so basically i need a new computer, or clean out all the programs and podcasts that i don't need)

Resolved Question: God, Just Go Away Already. Why Won't They Leave Off My Mp3?

okay, on my mp3 player, there are 5 files that are just files. not .bin, .rar, .zip, etc. i try to delete them but that window pops up and saying that, it cannot be deleted, try finding the source or whatever. so i looked around and couldn't find "the source" any where on my computer or my mp3. so i look at the properties and its saying that the file(s) is empty, but is taking up space. even though my mp3 is 4g. i tried moving them off of my mp3, but the same thing happens again. i tried to make a folder and put it on my mp3 so i can put the files in it, but the same thing happens again. now, when i want to listen to music, the music folder screen is all f***ed up. and i think the files are preventing me from shooting videos. like I'll record for like 13-15 seconds and then my mp3 freezes. i tried looking on the internet; searched "delete unwanted files" but it was a fail. so here i am Y!A, what should i do? is there any software i can download or..?

Voting Question: Can i put my mp3 player hard drive in my dell vista it is a 3.3v 30gb?

if i can i was just gonna open up my computer and install it and put it in i just dont want it to crash or anything



Resolved Question: how do I get album artwork on my coby mp610-4G mp3 player?

ya, I have no clue, please help.

Resolved Question: How do you get more space on an ipod touch/zune?

I'm getting an ipod touch soon. Probably a 2nd gen because the 3rd gen is coming out soon but I know that it'll be WAY too expensive (I'm gonna wait for the official reviews before I make a purchase though just in case). Okay, so the most space the current ipod touches have is just 32g, is there some sort of hack or something so that I could add more music/video? I'm not too worried about running out of room for apps, it's mostly for music, but the entire reason for wanting the ipod touch is for apps, internet, everything else.
Also I have a 4g zune and I was wondering if you can make more space on that too?

The reason I even ask (because I can't find anything on google) is because a while back (before the first iphone) someone showed me how they got their ipod classic to hold more music and I was hoping that the new ipods were capable of this.

However, if this is impossible would it just be smarter to upgrade to a 120g zune instead of the ipod touch? 'Cause I'm not buying another mp3 for a long time after this. It'll be my birthday (or Christmas depending on the money) present to me.

Please and thank you!
Doesn't aac make the sound bad?

Lol yes! I need ALL of my media in my pocket! 7,000 songs is not enough! Especially since I plan on NOT buying another mp3 for a REALLY long time.
Plus, I have a very wide taste in music and I have a list of around 500 old songs that I need to download.
Those are just old songs, now as the new songs come out I'm going to want them too. I like to look ahead, I want enough space for everything!

Voting Question: I need reviews on this mp3?

well it really don't have a name but Emerson. and i need reviews on it so it a tough screen and can hole 4g with no caRD and can have pictures music and videos
plz help